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Clairs: A Guide to Your Intuitive Abilities

Clairs: A Guide to Your Intuitive Abilities

We have all had a strong intuition about something at some time in our lives: a vivid dream that seemed to foretell the future, the thought that we should make a decision with no logic behind that thought, or a deep sense of knowing about a person's emotions. Take note of how this information comes through to you so that you can ascertain your strongest clair; that way you can practice your intuitive skills.

What are Clairs?

Clairs are intuitive abilities that allow individuals to perceive information beyond the five physical senses. They are often categorized by the sense they primarily utilize. Let's explore some of the most common clairs:



This is the ability to see things beyond the physical realm. Clairvoyants may see visions, symbols, or future events. If this is your strongest clair, when you ask for signs, ask to be “shown” – individuals with clairvoyance as their strongest clair will receive answers in the form of visuals such as seeing a butterfly or feather, or repeatedly seeing the same number.



This is the ability to hear sounds or voices that are not physically present. Clairaudients may hear messages, warnings, or guidance. When asking for advice, ask to be “told” so that you can hear the answer.



This is the ability to know things intuitively, without any rational explanation. Claircognizants often have a deep sense of knowing about people, situations, or events. This is my strongest clair so I generally ask for the information. Because this clair sounds like you talking to yourself, the trick with this clair being the most prominent is to remind yourself that you don’t always have to have a reason for something. When you just think out of the blue that you should or should not do something, follow the advice – no explanation needed.  



This is the ability to feel emotions and energies, both your own and others'. Clairsentients are highly empathetic and can often sense the emotional state of a room or person. In order to work with this clair, it is important to set boundaries with your energy so that you are not overwhelmed by the energies around you, and to get to know when the feeling is not yours. When you know it is not yours, you can separate yourself from the feeling so that you can take any action needed from knowing the energy around you.



This is the ability to taste things psychically. Clairgustants may taste foods, drinks, or even emotions. When looking for advice with this clair, ask for specific tastes for specific messages. For example, if you hate the taste of onion, ask for that to be your tell for when things are not for your highest good, ask for the taste of chocolate, for example, for positive signs. Remember that these tastes can be both literal or symbolic.



This is the ability to smell things psychically. Clairscents may smell fragrances, odors, or even the energy of a person or place. Again, when working with this clair, bad scents can mean the actual scent itself (the scent of chocolate representing chocolate) or the answer “yes” or “no”.

Recognizing Your Clairs

If you're curious about your own intuitive abilities, here are some signs to look for:

  • Do you often have a gut feeling about things? Do you easily pick up on the emotions of others? Do you sometimes have feelings about future events? Can you feel the energy of a place or person? (Clairsentience)

  • Are your dreams vivid and symbolic? Do you associate different people with different colours? (Clairvoyance)

  • Do you sometimes just know that things are going to happen? (Claircognisance)

  • Do you hear things no one else does? (Clairaudience)

  • Do you smell or taste certain things before a big event? (Clairgustance and Clairscent)

Developing Your Clairs

If you'd like to develop your clairs, here are a few tips:

  • Meditation: Meditation can help you connect with your higher self and intuition.

  • Journaling: Write down your dreams, intuitions, and psychic experiences.

  • Practice Mindfulness: Be present in the moment and observe your thoughts and feelings.

  • Connect with Nature: Spending time in nature can help you connect with your inner self and the energy of the universe.

  • Practice, practice, practice: To work with our clairs, we need to trust them. To trust our intuitive abilities, we need to prove to ourselves that they are trustworthy. Practice by asking questions and for guidance. Start by asking for guidance about things for which you are not emotionally attached to the outcome. That way your mind is less likely to take over and plant doubt.

Remember, everyone has intuitive abilities. By understanding the different types of clairs and practicing regularly, you can tap into your own unique gifts.

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